
Maquette key puzzle
Maquette key puzzle

Some of the steps required to complete a few of these conundrums just weren’t conveyed properly either. Some of the brain-teasers will make you say “wow, that was the solution?” But those issues are few and far between. And when a few of the puzzles require walking large distances to test out or retry certain solutions… That can get frustrating, fast! What did start to annoy me was that the devs opted to not include a sprint button. That being said, some of the brain-teasers will make you say “wow, that was the solution?” But those issues are few and far between. The puzzles themselves offer up quite a bit of variety in their execution and definitely compel you to think in more of an abstract manner. There is a bit of jank when it comes to physically inserting or rotating objects because some of the upscaled models can be caught on all sorts of geometry, but it’s nothing too irritating. It consistently forces you to think in size, rather than just simply finding the appropriate object for the solution. It takes a moment to sink in, but once you get the hang of it, the whole concept ends up working exceptionally well.

maquette key puzzle

So for instance, early on in the game, Kenzie will receive a regular-sized key to open up a locked door, but instead of just throwing it away, you can instead upscale that same key and use it as a makeshift bridge of sorts to cross a gap that’s too far to jump.

maquette key puzzle

How it works is that certain objects can be collected and brought to a smaller model of the game’s world map, and either be scaled up or down in size depending on the needs of the player. I’m a big fan of Maquette’s puzzle approach here. This model bridge will suddenly appear life-size in reality.

Maquette key puzzle